Model 8 Executive Automation Cell

The Project Spec

StoneyCNC used a model 8 Executive from 5.0 Robotics to make a parallel load and unload automation cell

  • When the side A is being loaded and prepared by the operator.

  • Side B is being machined

  • When operatoor confirms he/she has finished loading and the machine finishes cutting the process indexes

  • The main axis inside the machine moves the finished parts to the unload area and the loaed parts move into the machining area.

  • The cycle continues.

  • The cycle allows parallel processing keepind the spindle up time over 90%.

The Design

The entire machine was drawn in 3D in CAD before it was made. The client was given a full run through of how the system operates before we manufactured any components to build the system.

System hardware

The core system hardware is shown below in the video.

The process

See below for a trial run of the process when under automated and operator control


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